
Genetics and JIA
GeneticsWe are continuing to look at genes and how they affect JIA. We have had three scientific research papers published to help advance this subject and we are contributing to large international collaborative studies. For example, systemic JIA is…

Congratulations Stevie and Rebecca!
PhDWe’re delighted to say that Dr Rebecca Lee and Dr Stevie Shoop-Worrall gained their PhDs this year with research based on the CAPS study. Both Rebecca and Stevie have now joined the team here at the Centre for Musculoskeletal Research as Research…

My Pain Tracker
ResearchMy Pain Tracker (MPT) is an app that the research team at CAPS have developed for children and young people with pain and JIA. The app ‘tracks’ pain through the use of symbols, faces, words and colours. The app also asks questions about…