Caps Team
Meet the Childhood Arthritis Team in Manchester!

Kimme Hyrich
Nationality: Canadian
Job: Professor and Rheumatology Consultant/Chief Investigator for CAPS
Favourite Colour: Green
Favourite food: Maple syrup
Also nicknamed Kimbo and Kimster

Lis Cordingley
Nationality: British
Job: Health Psychologist
Favourite Colour: Has to be Red – lifelong Manchester United Fan
Favourite food: Chocolate
Fun Fact:
Have two cats Arwen and Stryder (my sons were big fans of Lord of the Rings!)

Janet McDonagh
Nationality: Northern Irish
Job: Senior lecturer in Paediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite food: Paella with lots of seafood
From my work in hospitals looking after children and young people, I will hopefully bring real-life insights into how we translate our research findings into clinical day to day practice.
Fun Fact:
If I wasn’t a doctor, I would like to be a poet and/or collage artist.

Stevie Shoop
Nationality: British
Job: Research Associate
Favourite Colour: Plum
Favourite food: Strawberry laces
I am looking at whether things like age, BMI and initial medication help patients go into remission (having no disease symptoms). I recently won an award from the Medical Research Council for my essay on why this is important.
Fun Fact:
I‘ve had my horsey Galaxy since I was at school. She’s moved with me around the country wherever I’ve gone and I see her at 5.15am every morning.

Lianne Kearsley-Fleet
Nationality: British
Job: Research Associate
Favourite Colour: Green
Favourite food: Pizza
Fun Fact:
I have 2 kittens; Mog and Rum Tum Tugger! They are brother and sister. Mog likes watching the birds in the garden, and Rum Tum Tugger likes eating Mog’s dinner.

Suzan Verstappen
Nationality: Dutch
Job: Research Fellow
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite food: Pasta and fish
Fun Fact:
When I came to the UK from the Netherlands I did a sheep dog training course and am now able to handle a small flock of sheep.

Rebecca Lee
Nationality: British
Job: Research Associate
Favourite Colour: Pink
Favourite food: Lasagne
My research project is looking at how we can make the assessment and measurement of pain better for children and young people with juvenile idiopathic arthritis.
Fun Fact:
This year I did a 10km mud run with my sister…great fun…and so very muddy!!!

Andrew Smith
Nationality: British
Job: Research Assistant
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite food: Curry
I am the main contact for CAPS and help with the day to day running of the study, under guidance from Prof Wendy Thomson (Chief Investigator).
Fun Fact:
I have a Miniature Schnauzer called Pete. He has so far chewed up a TV remote, my duffel coat and his own bed.

Wendy Thomson
Nationality: British
Job: Professor in Genetic Epidemiology
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite food: Salad (or maybe chocolate – it’s a close call).
My husband calls me RADAR (its based on a TV show from the 70’s called M*A*S*H – RADAR always seemed to be one step ahead)
Fun Fact:
If I hadn’t been a scientist I would probably have been a chef- I love to cook.

Nationality: British
Job: CAPS mascot
Favourite Colour: Orange
Favourite food: Bananas